All of the following is within class="mainbox". Does that make sense for the site?

ThePokerBank CSS Styleguide

This is how to make articles read easily and look sexy. Apparently this kind of thing is called a CSS styleguide. I learnt that when I installed a Kirby theme.

Styleguides are fucking awesome. Almost as awesome as this blockquote. Greg Walker

With this page I'm going to:

Secondary headers.

These are awesome for splitting articles up in to subsections. If you can't split an article up in to clear sub-sections, you probably have no fucking clue how to structure your information.

This is an important paragraph. Give it class="important".

These paragraphs are spaced nicely. Consistency baby.

This is code, enclosed in a pre tag (block)
Use for code and math

= awesome

This is what a snippet of code looks like when used inline.


These are perfect for breaking up the page and providing quick and easy bits of information. Use them, but use them with a purpose.

  1. This is an ordered list.
  2. Not as common as plain bullet points.
  3. But good for putting information in to a sequence.


Sometimes you want to add a note within the flow of the article. Like a small textual aside. Here's what's on offer:

This is a plain note. Class="note"

This is a note with a cute icon. Class="note_icon"

This is a green note. Class="note_green"

This is a green note with an icon. Class="note_green_icon"

This is a orange note. Class="note_orange"

This is a orange note with an icon. Class="note_orange_icon"

This is a red note. Class="note_red"

This is a red note with an icon. Class="note_red_icon"

This is a cautionary note. Class="note_caution"

This is a warning note. It's more serious than a caution. Class="note_warning"